
Donate to The Groundswell Project.

We want to inspire you and all our fellow Australians to live, die and grieve in ways that are most meaningful. 

What is most important to you for your end of life experience? 
Do you know where to start, how to prepare? 
What do you think the people closest to you want for theirs? 
What would it mean to live in a community that supports all its members at the end of life? 

These questions drive us at GroundSwell.
We hope they drive you too. 
We fundraise so that we can continue our mission to build Compassionate Communities across Australia. 
Will you financially support the mission to change the culture around death to make it easier to talk about? 
Your tax-deductible donation will prepare more people for death, caring and grieving. 

Will you support this community building?

DONATE with your credit card/PayPal on this page

DONATE with bank deposit - BSB: 032837 Acct: 283707

DONATE with a cheque - 20 Rodborough Rd, Frenchs Forest NSW 2086

Your donation will prepare more people for death, caring and grieving around Australia.

Thank you.